Bangla Droid Приложения

Live Cricket 2015 1.0
Bangla Droid
- All Schedule of 2015 Cricket World Cup- Team Squad- Live Scores of World cup matches also club matches- Widget with Live Score- Update Option for next upcoming Schedule of world cup 2015
Bangladesh 1.0
Bangla Droid
This application contains a list of division (dhaka, khulna,rajshahi, barishal, chittagong, sylhet, rangpur), then the list ofdistricts according to division. It also has list of upazillas aswell as unions according to districts and upazillas respectively.This app also has map of each division, districtদেশ
Islamic Story 3.0
Bangla Droid
Its a collection of more than 257 islamic stories. All the storieshave collected from internet. Few of them have known sources andfew of them does not. However, the aim of these stories is tostrengthen our imaan.** LIMITED version [only 70 stories]** A little amount gives us inspiration to build moreapplications.keywords: story, islamic story, imaan. Short story, kidsstory
Sahih Muslim English 1.0
Bangla Droid
Sahih Muslim is one of the Kutub al-Sittah(six major ahadith) of the hadith in Sunni Islam. It is the secondmost authentic hadith collection after Sahih al-Bukhari, and ishighly acclaimed by Sunni Muslims. It was collected by Muslim ibnal-Hajjaj, also known as Imam Muslim.This app is very easy to use. You can see the list of boks, listof chapters and the hadith accordingly. You will be able to keepbookmark and get back to there later. You can make your ownfavorite list. There is also share option to share the hadith.
Distances Among Districts 1.0
Bangla Droid
The user will be able to see the distancesamong the districts of Bangladesh. There are list of 64 districts.They will also be able to see the districts on google map withmarkers. Finally whereever you are in the world, you will be ableto see the nearest districts from your location with the GPScoordinate.
Dhaka Local Bus Route 1.2
Bangla Droid
Dhaka Local Bus Route offers something verysimple, yet invaluable to both native and tourist alike. Completeoffline access to the official Local Bus routes for DhakaCity.Dhaka Local Bus Rouse is an app you can count on working when youneed it most. Bangladroid hopes this app will help all the peoplein Dhaka and reduces time wasted on finding correct Buses.Please rate this app if you like it.Also in case of any error in timings pls notify us on bangladroid@gmail.comsearch your destination option is also available.Coming Soon: Searching bus route for a given source anddestination stoppages.
ATM Locations of Bangladesh 1.0
Bangla Droid
This app contains the booth locations of mostof the banks in Bangladesh. We have collected them from therespective bank websites. If you find any error or find any morebooth in any area which we have not included, please let us know.You will be able to select the booth according to divisions anddistricts. A few of them are shown area wise. The bank are,Mutual Trust Bank LimitedEastern Bank LimitedDutch Bangla Bank LimitedIFIC Bank LimitedThe City Bank LimitedNCC Bank LimitedPrime Bank LimitedSoutheast Bank LimitedStandard Bank LimitedOne Bank LimitedBank Asia LimitedTrust Bank LimitedAB Bank LimitedBRAC Bank LimitedIslami Bank Bangladesh LimitedShahjalal islami bank LimitedAl-Arafah Islami Bank LimitedKeyword: booth location, bank locations, atm booth, atmlocation, bangladesh,
Bangladesh Lite 1.1
Bangla Droid
This application contains a list of division(dhaka, khulna, rajshahi, barishal, chittagong, sylhet, rangpur),then the list of districts according to division. It also has listof upazillas as well as unions according to districts and upazillasrespectively.This app also has map (online) of each division, districtদেশ
Stories of the Prophets 3.2
Bangla Droid
Allah has sent prophets to humanity, indifferent times and places, to communicate His message. Since thebeginning of time, Allah has sent His guidance through these chosenpeople. In this application, a list of stories from the life of theprophets are presented. The stories are,1. Prophet Adam2. Prophet Idris (Enoch)3. Prophet Nuh (Noah)4. Prophet Hud5. Prophet Salih6. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)7. Prophet Isma'il (Ishmael)8. Prophet Ishaq (Isaac)9. Prophet Yaqub (Jacob)10. Prophet Lot (Lot)11. Prophet Shuaib12. Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)13. Prophet Ayoub (Job)14 . Prophet Dhul-Kifl15. Prophet Yunus (Jonah)16. Prophet Musa (Moses) & Harun (Aaron)17. Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel)18. Prophet Elyas (Elisha)19. Prophet Shammil (Samuel)20. Prophet Dawud (David)21. Prophet Sulaiman (Soloman)22. Prophet Shia (Isaiah)23. Prophet Aramaya (Jeremiah)24. Prophet Daniel25. Prophet Uzair (Ezra)26. Prophet Zakariyah (Zechariah)27. Prophet Yahya (John)28. Prophet Isa (Jesus)29. Prophet Muhammad
Bangladesh PostOffice 1.0
Bangla Droid
This app present the list of divisions,districts and thanas and their post-offices along with their postcode (postal code). The app is very light (less than 1MB).Bangladesh Government Post Office ( postcode )বাংলাদেশ ডাক বিভাগCourtesy: the original logo of Bangladesh PostOffice has beenmodified to prepare the application icon.
Nawawi's Hadith in Turkish 1.1
Bangla Droid
This is the book of the Islamic scholar Yahia bin Sharaful-DeenAn-Nawawi. The book is now known as "An-Nawawi's Forty (40)Hadiths". This is a popular small book in which the author gatheredforty two of the sayings of prophet Muhammed salla Allah u alihi wasallam. This android application has the following features-> Nice and easy interface-> Bookmark-> Bookmarks are shown from the list view.
Bangladesh Fire Stations 1.0
Bangla Droid
This app has the list of all the firestations/ fire services according to the districts and divisions.You can easily select the stations by navigating divisions anddistricts to see the contact details. You can also add the numberto your phone contact just by pressing oneদেশCourtesy: All the numbers have been collected from BangladeshFire Service Department.
40 Hadith Qudsi 1.2
Bangla Droid
Forty Hadith Qudsi are widely regarded as themost popular anthology and the best introduction to the study ofthe Prophet's Sayings in the English language. The source of thisbook is here, android application has the following features-> Nice and easy interface-> Bookmark-> Bookmarks are shown from the list view.-> Swipe to change the hadith-> No internet connection needed-> Its free
Riyad us Saliheen 2.01
Bangla Droid
Riyadus Saliheen is a book of hadithcollection compiled by Imam An-Nawawi who was the great scholar ofHadith and Fiqh of his time. This application presents this book(Ryadus Salihin) in a great way to read from android mobile.This application has the following features,-> List of 20 books-> List of 372 Chapters and 1896 Hadith.-> Search option-> Bookmark-> Separate bookmark List-> Swipe and dedicated button to change hadith-> Separate Tab for commentary-> "Go to" option to move to a specific hadith** We did not include the introduction of the chapters of riadussalehin in this application. Therefore, 2-3 chapters does not haveany hadith (same as original source).
Sahih Al Bukhari Pro 2
Bangla Droid
Sahih Al Bukhari (bukhari english):We have made this application from the book of Sahih Al Bukhari.The user can choose the volume, the book of that volume and thenthe individual hadith of that book. The user can also change thevolume by swapping from left to right or right to left. The usercan make a list of favorite hadith as well as the user will be ableto keep a bookmark in each book which will facilitate the user toresume his/her reading. He/she will also be able to share thehadith via facebook, email, twitter and other sharing socialnetworks. There is also a facility to change the font color and thefont style.Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of ProphetMuhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of theProphet's (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth. Imam Bukharilived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's (saw) death andworked extremely hard to collect his ahadeeth.Bukhari (full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahimbin al-Mughira al-Ja'fai) was born in 194 A.H. and died in 256 A.H.His collection of hadeeth is considered second to none. Hiscriteria for acceptance into the collection were amongst the moststringent of all the scholars of ahadeeth.Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which hasseveral books. Each book contains many ahadeeth. The ahadeeth arenumbered consecutively per volume. The books really only serve togroup ahadeeth together, but the volumes impose the numbering.Volume 11. Revelation2. Belief3. Knowledge4. Ablution (Wudu')5. Bathing (Ghusl)6. Menstrual Periods7. Ablution with dust8. Prayer (Salat)9. Prayer Hall (Sutra)10. Times of the Prayer11. Call to Prayer12. Characteristics of PrayerVolume 213. Friday Prayer14. Fear Prayer15. The Two Festivals (Eids)16. Witr Prayer17. Dua' for Rain (Istisqaa)18. Eclipses19. Prostration20. Shortening Prayers21. Night Prayer (Tahajjud)22. Actions while Praying23. Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz)24. Tax (Zakat)25. Tax (Zakat ul Fitr)26. Pilgrimmage (Hajj)Volume 327. Minor Pilgrimmage28. Pilgrims Prevented29. Prilgrims Hunting Penalty30. Virtues of Madinah31. Fasting32. Ramadan Prayer33. Stay in Mosque (I'tikaf)34. Sales and Trade35. Paid in Advance36. Hiring37. Debt Transfer38. Business by Proxy39. Agriculture40. Distributing Water41. Loans, Bankruptcy42. Lost & Found43. Oppressions44. Partnership45. Mortgaging46. Freeing Slaves47. Gifts48. Witnesses49. Peacemaking50. ConditionsVolume 451. Wills52. Jihaad53. One-fifth of Booty54. Begining of Creation55. Prophets56. Merits of SunnahVolume 557. The Companions58. Merits of Al-Ansaar59. ExpeditionsVolume 660. Prophetic Commentary61. Virtues of the Qur'anVolume 762. Marriage63. Divorce64. Supporting Family65. Food, Meals66. Sacrifice on Birth67. Hunting, Slaughter68. Al-Adha Sacrifice69. Drinks70. Patients71. Medicine72. DressVolume 873. Good Manners74. Asking Permission75. Invocations76. Softening the Heart77. Divine Will (Qadar)78. Oaths and Vows79. Unfulfilled Oaths80. Inheritance Laws81. Punishment Laws82. Disbelievers (war)Volume 983. Blood Money84. Dealing with Apostates85. Under Duress86. Tricks87. Interpretations of Dreams88. End of the World89. Judgments90. Wishes91. Truthfull Word92. Holding Steadfast93. Oneness of Allahbukhari sharif, sahih-al bukhari.
Iftar Recipe (ইফতার রেসিপি) 1.2
Bangla Droid
This app contains bangla (bengali) recipe oframadan iftar items. There are also recipes of ramadan and iftarifoods. Most of them are very easy and quick recipes.
NWD and ISD Code Bangladesh 1.0
Bangla Droid
Please like us on Facebook, users can see the NWD codes of all the areas in Bangladesh.There ISD codes of different countries which might be useful forcallin overseas.All the information have been gathered from the sites ofBangladesh Government.please like us on
Arabic Alphabet Pro 1.4
Bangla Droid
Arabic Alphabet for Kids is one of thecomplete android applications for arabic alphabet learning. Thereare few excellent features in this application which will make thekids interested to use this application more and more, andeventually they will learn more. The features are given below,1. List of all characters.2. Numbers (1-10) with example images.3. Kids can practise hand-writing of characters and numbers, andsave it.4.5. Each character has nice words. [please see the sampleimages]6. Few Exercise:-> Completely random set of vowel and consonant to test theskill.-> Multiple choices after counting pictures.
Sahih Muslim 1.0
Bangla Droid
Sahih Muslim is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six major ahadith)ofthe hadith in Sunni Islam. It is the second most authentichadithcollection after Sahih al-Bukhari, and is highly acclaimed bySunniMuslims. It was collected by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, also knownasImam Muslim.This app is very easy to use. You can see the list of boks,listof chapters and the hadith accordingly. You will be able tokeepbookmark and get back to there later. You can make yourownfavorite list. There is also share option to share thehadith.sahih hadith, islam, sahih muslim, muslim, muslim book,sahihmuslim book. muslim english, sahih muslim english, authenticsahihmuslim
The Battles of Mohammad (PBUH) 3.0
Bangla Droid
Our beloved prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has foughtmany battles in his life for islam. They are,The Battle of BadrThe Battle of UhudThe Battle of Al-AhzabThe Battle of Banu QuraizahThe Battle of Al-MuraisiThe Battle of KhaibarThe Battle of Mu'tabThe Conquest of MakkahThe Battle of HunainThe Battle of TabukWe must need to know these stories. May Allah bless us.** There might be few spelling mistakes. Please report us. MayAllah forgive us.
Hadith Collection 2
Bangla Droid
This hadith book is a very well knownauthentic hadith collection. Few beautiful hadith are collectedfrom bukhari, muslim and tirmidhi etc. The name of the book is"Authentic Supplications of the Prophet"You can have a look of the source of this book. android application has the following features-> Nice and easy interface-> Bookmark-> Bookmarks are shown from the list view.-> List of only Bookmark hadith-> Swipe to change the hadith-> Separate Tabs for footnotes and Reporters (source).-> No internet connection needed-> No ads
Bengali Dictionary 1.02
Bangla Droid
Like us in Facebook: to English Dictionary with more than 30,000 words. Youcan search words, browse words. You will have suggestions to helpyou to type.There are phrases as well in this dictionary.Bengali or Bangla (বাংলা) is the language native to the regionof Bengal, which comprises the present-day nation of Bangladesh andof the Indian states West Bengal, Tripura and southern Assam.
Authentic Hadith Collection 2
Bangla Droid
This hadith book is a very well knownauthentic hadith collection. Few beautiful hadith are collectedfrom bukhari, muslim and tirmidhi etc. The name of the book is"Authentic Supplications of the Prophet"You can have a look of the source of this book. android application has the following features-> Nice and easy interface-> Bookmark-> Bookmarks are shown from the list view.-> List of only Bookmark hadith-> Swipe to change the hadith-> Separate Tabs for footnotes and Reporters (source).-> No internet connection needed-> No ads
Islamic Short Stories 3.0
Bangla Droid
Its a collection of more than 257 islamicstories. All the stories have collected from internet. Few of themhave known sources and few of them does not. However, the aim ofthese stories is to strengthen our imaan.keywords: story, islamic story, imaan.
Bangla Alphabet for Kids 2
Bangla Droid
Bangla Alphabet for Kids is one of thecomplete android applications for Bengali alphabet learning. Thereare few excellent features in this application which will make thekids interested to use this application more and more, andeventually they will learn more. The features are given below,1. List of all vowel (bengali) characters withpronunciation.2. List of all consonant(bengali) characters withpronunciation.3. Numbers (1-10) with example images.4. Kids can practise hand-writing of characters and numbers, andsave it.5. Each character has nice traditional rhyme (line) with sound.[please see the sample images]6. Few Exercise:-> Completely random set of vowel and consonant to test theskill.-> Multiple choices after counting pictures.
Prophets' Stories for Kids 2.1
Bangla Droid
The stories of Prophets in islam for Kids (With Pictures)
প্রিয় নবী (সাঃ) এর জীবনী 1.1
Bangla Droid
This app contains a complete biography of ourbeloved prophet and massenger Muhammad peace be upon him,The app includes lots of chapters and also lots of sections underthese chapters.-The app has been tried to make user friendly as far aspossible.-You can navigate section to section easily.-There is a bookmark option that help you to navigate the pagewhere you last left off,-Font setting option let you to choose your preference for happyreading. reference:-Sirat ibn Hisam-Rahikul maktum.
Math for kids Free 1.1
Bangla Droid
This is a great fun way for kids to learnnumbers and build basic math skills. Your children will enjoy thefollowing activities:✔ learning numbers✔ counting numbers✔ choose max/min number✔ addition✔ subtraction
Mosques, Restaurants Australia 1.1
Bangla Droid
This app contains the list of the mosquesandthe halal restaurants of Australia. The users will be able tofindtheir nearest five mosque or the halal restaurants withenablingthe GPS in mobile from current location or from anAustralianaddress. They can also make the mosques or restaurantfavorite sothat they can see them later. This app will also showyou distanceand duration to go to that place. In addition, it willalso showyou the path with the help of Google Mapapplication.
Ramadan Prayer Time in Bengali 1.0.1
Bangla Droid
This (Ramjan Iftar and Sehri time) appcontains the time table of prayer. The user will be able to givealarm for each prayer or salat. Since the iftar time starts withMagrib prayer and sehri time ends with fajr time, this app showsonly the times of five prayer times. The app calculates the timebased on the location coordinates and the timezone of your mobile.The library has been taken from Please send usfeedback if you think the calculation is wrong.Everything is in bangla for the convenience of the users. Thealarm is very flexible for reminding the namaj.the user will also be able to find different calculation methodin settings and the user will also be able to set the first day ofRamadan (Romjan).The user will be able fix the strating date of ramadan.Currently it is of 2016. To help the people of Bangladesh, it alsohave the list of 64 districts to select as location.
ডিসকাউন্ট 1.1
Bangla Droid
This app has been specially developed to makeasimple platform to show different retail deals/offers in oneplace.There are hundreds of brand shops in Bangladesh such asAgora, MeenaBazar, Shwapno, Nandan Mega Shop, Almas Super Shop,RFL Best BUY,Trust Family Needs, Priyo Shop,Artisti Collection,Aarong, Yellow,Ecstasy, Le Reve,Menz Klub, Textmart, Kaykraft,Anjans, Rich man,SingerAll Singer showroom, Best Electronics andmany more.Thesebrands occasionally give many offers or discountson different kindsof products. We sometime miss many of them. Thedeals are sometimesdo not reach to us. So, discount (ডিসকাউন্ট)app will help up to seeall the offers or discounts or any of thedeals around Bangladesh inone place. The user will get a pushnotification on every new dealor offer. We will be showing theoffers in different categories forthe users' convenience.This app is not for buying or selling products like or This is a collection of shoppingdealsspecially for Bangladesh (more like GroupOn or Deal Direct inmanycountries).If you loving shopping over the year, this app is for you. Andifyou are running you own business, please contact us to post youowndeal/offers in our system.
NearBy Location Finder 1.01
Bangla Droid
This app will help the user to find allkindsof places near a location. It uses google map information,show abit of brief information about the places, show reviews,showpictures if there is any. You can open the google map apps togetthe direction. Its really easy to use. We have all thepossiblesearch type from the google maps. They are accounting,airport,amusement_park, aquarium, art_gallery, atm, bakery, bank,bar,beauty_salon, bicycle_store, book_store,bowling_alley,bus_station, cafe, campground, car_dealer,car_rental, car_repair,car_wash, casino, cemetery, church,city_hall, clothing_store,convenience_store, courthouse, dentist,department_store, doctor,electrician, electronics_store, embassy,fire_station, florist,funeral_home, furniture_store, gas_station,gym, hair_care,hardware_store, hindu_temple, home_goods_store,hospital,insurance_agency, jewelry_store, laundry, lawyer,library,liquor_store, local_government_office, locksmith,lodging,meal_delivery, meal_takeaway, mosque, movie_rental,movie_theater,moving_company, museum, night_club, painter, park,parking,pet_store, pharmacy, physiotherapist, plumber, police,post_office,real_estate_agency, restaurant, roofing_contractor,rv_park,school, shoe_store, shopping_mall, spa, stadium, storage,store,subway_station, synagogue, taxi_stand,train_station,transit_station, travel_agency, university,veterinary_care, zoo.These information will be available foreverywhere in theworld.
Learner Driving Test Australia 2
Bangla Droid
Please like us on Facebook, app contains more than 150 questions from Vicroads with theimages. You can test yourself with customized number of questions,the scores will be saved as well as deleted, you can readsequentially, you will be able to make favorites.Very friendly user interface.
Quran Stories Pro 3.0
Bangla Droid
Allah has revealed many stories for ourlesson.All praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of theworlds. Thename of this book is 'Stories of the Quran' by IbnKatheer. It hasbeen translated by Ali As-Sayed Al- Halawani. Allthe stories arelisted in this application. Those are,1. The Story of Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain)2. Harut and Marut3. Dwellers of the Town4. Story of the Heifer5. Moses and AI-Khadir6. The Story of Qarun (Korah)7. Bilqis (Queen of Sheba)8. The Story of Saba' (Sheba)9. `Uzair (Ezra)10. Dhul Qarnain11. Gog and Magog12. People of the Cave13. The Believer & the Disbeliever14. People of the Garden15. The Sabbath-Breakers16. Story of Luqman17. People of the Ditch18. Barsisa the Worshipper (The Renegade)19. Owners of the Elephant
Muhammad's(PBUH) wives' story 3.0
Bangla Droid
Just like two other applications,"QuranStories" and "Stories of the prophets", Wives of Muhammad(PBUH) isanother application of islamic stories which presents thelifedescription of the wives of our beloved prophet Muhammad(PBUH).This book is also written by Ibn Khatir. The names of thewives ofProphet Mohammad (PBUH) are as follows,1. Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid2. Sawdah Bint Zum'ah3. A'ishah Bint Abu Bakr4. Hafsah Bint ''Umar5. Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah6. Umm Salamah Hind bint Umayyah7. Zaynab Bint Jahsh8. Juwayriyak Bint Al-Harith9. Safiyyah Bint Huyayy11. Umm Habibah Ramlah Bint Abu Sufyan12. Maymunah Bint Al-Harith
Nawawi ৪০ বাংলা হাদিস 2.1
Bangla Droid
Imam al-Nawawi’s collection of 40 Hadithsisone of the most important collections of hadiths we havetoday.Imam al Nawawi actually compiled a total of 42 hadiths forthiscollection, not 40. He was one of the greatest scholars ofIslamand lived from 631 A.H. to 676 A.H, passing away at the age of45.Allah (swt) granted him blessing and success in his work so thathecould make great contributions to Islam before passing away atarelatively young age.Imam al-Nawawi was a scholar in many different disciplinesofIslamic studies. The vastness of his works in these differentareasis so great that if an individual decides to study fiqh,hadith,spirituality, or Quran; one would need to pass through Imamal-Nawawi. Along with the 40 Hadiths, he authored Riyadal-Saliheen,Al-Adhkar, and commentary of Sahih Muslim and SahihBukhari.Imam al-Nawawi was one of the foremost figures of theShafi’madhab and the largest and most substantial book he wrote inthisregard is called Al Majmua’ which is about 30 volumes. It is aworkof comparative fiqh because he brings all of the opinionsofdifferent madhab’s on different issues together.
100 Hadith on Life Style 1.2
Bangla Droid
This 100 authentic hadith are from themostauthentic hadith books. This hadith are on our daily lifestyle.This android application has the following features
Muhammad's(pbuh) wives story 3.1
Bangla Droid
This app contains the stories of our beloved prophet Mohammad's(PBUH) wives.
Battles of Mohammad (pbuh) 3.1
Bangla Droid
This app contains the stories of the battle of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH).
Quran Stories 3.11
Bangla Droid
Allah has revealed many stories for our lesson. All praise andthanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. The name of thisbook is 'Stories of the Quran' by Ibn Katheer. It has beentranslated by Ali As-Sayed Al- Halawani. All the stories are listedin this application. Those are, 1. The Story of Habil and Qabil(Abel and Cain) 2. Harut and Marut 3. Dwellers of the Town 4. Storyof the Heifer 5. Moses and AI-Khadir 6. The Story of Qarun (Korah)7. Bilqis (Queen of Sheba) 8. The Story of Saba' (Sheba) 9. `Uzair(Ezra) 10. Dhul Qarnain 11. Gog and Magog 12. People of the Cave13. The Believer & the Disbeliever 14. People of the Garden 15.The Sabbath-Breakers 16. Story of Luqman 17. People of the Ditch18. Barsisa the Worshipper (The Renegade) 19. Owners of theElephant
Sahih Bukhari (Bangla) 1.1
Bangla Droid
Ad Free* Unlike other bengali Sahih Al bukhari, this banglabukharisharif is not a HTML based app. The app manages eachhadithindividually. You can make hadith favorite and make yourownfavorite hadith list. You can mark a hadith bookmarked so thatyoucan resume your reading later from that hadith. This app hasswipefunctionality, the user will be able to navigate from onechapterto the next or previous by swapping right or left.Samefunctionality is also available for the hadith. The mostimportantthing is that, I am not an Islamic scholar. The source ofthiscontent is intenet. So, there might be unintentionalmistake.Please let me know if you find anything. There are 6 hadithmissingin terms of number and those hadith are possibly alsomissing inthe bangla translation of Sahih Bukhari Book (IslamicFoundation).*until the end of Ramadan
Bangla Alphabet 4.0.1
Bangla Droid
A Learning app (Bangla Bornomala) to learn bangla Alphabets
Math for kids in Bengali 1.3
Bangla Droid
Kids will learn Math while having fun ( Bengali)
Bangla Calendar with holidays
Bangla Droid
A complete Bengali Calendar with widgets (bangladesh Rule andholidays)(পঞ্জিকা)
Country Capital Currency List and Quiz 4.1.0
Bangla Droid
Over 250+ countries with their capital, currency, languages,area,population, country code, domain. The flag and map of eachcountryhas also been included. Flag capital currency and countryquiz withgoogle game service.
Sahih Bukhari (English) 2.3.0
Bangla Droid
Sahih al Bukhari in English
NAPLAN Math (3rd Grade) 1.1.1
Bangla Droid
The kids will be able to practise their maths skill with NAPLANlike test